Kawnglanghpu Township Electrified
6-3-2018, NPT
Under the guidance of the State President's trip to Putao- Kawnglanghpu on 13th January 2018, H.E. U Win Khaing, Union Minister for MOEE instructed to transport 10 kW×3 no. generators to Kawnglanghpu in order to distribute electricity across the town. They were moved very difficult due to no motor way but successfully arrived at Kawnglanghpu on 12th February 2018. The town was electrified by 18.75 kW generator before. For more electricity supply, the construction of new transmission line 400 V × 3200 feet was completed on 27th February 2018 and opening ceremony for transmission line 400 V × 3200 feet and totally 48.75 kW generator was held on 5th March 2018. Battalion commanda lieutenant colonel Nay Myo Zaw, township administrator U Myint Tun and U Peta, personality of the town, cut the ribbon to open this ceremony. Now, Kawnglanghpu is electrified almost the whole town.