The Republic of the union of myanmar

Ministry Of Electricity And Energy

Breaking News :

Development of Electricity in Kawnglanghpu Town Interview with U Saw Win Maung, Managing Director of Electricity Supply Enterprise

Development of Electricity in Kawnglanghpu Town

                            Interview with U Saw Win Maung, Managing Director of Electricity Supply Enterprise                                                     

Questioner & Author - Min Min Zaw(Kalay)

Photo                        - Aye Than

          For development of human life, electricity is produced in many ways. Nowadays, we know that Ministry of Electricity & Energy tried to produce more electricity for Kawnglanghpu Town in Putao District, Kachin State. Regarding to the performance of MOEE, we interviewed with U Saw Win Maung, Managing Director of Electricity Supply Enterprise, Ministry of Electricity and Energy as the following:-

Q:     How is electricity currently producing and distributing in Myanmar?

A:      The present installed capacity of electricity is 5405 MW from 27 hydropower stations and 22 thermal power production facilities. The maximum production is 3120 MW up to 7th March, 2018 as providing as electricity demand of people.

Q:     How is electricity currently transmission and distribution from National Grid?

A:      63 Nos of 230 kV Transmission Lines, 42 Nos of 132 kV Transmission Lines and 216 Nos of 66 kV Transmission Lines are connected to 308 Nos of primary substations as totally load of transformer 11424 MVA as National Grid. 33 kV, 11 kV and 6.6 kV Transmission Line (24000) miles are completed and distributed in Myanmar. 255 Townships and 8284 villages have already electrified from National Grid. And then, MOEE keeps performing electricity distribution by World Bank, ADB, JICA Loan so that 269 townships and 19044 villages will be electrified at the end of 2018. For unelectrified area, MOEE manages to produce electricity by diesel generators and small hydropower plants. And then MOEE will transfer diesel generators to another unelectrified area when original unelectrified area get electricity from national grid.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

Q:     How about currently electricity distribution in Putao District, Kachin State?

A:      ESE distributes electricity with (17) Nos of Diesel Generators,(2) units of Small Hydropower Plants and other ways so that totally (1997) kW in Putao District, Kachin State. Moreover, 140 villages in putao District have already electrified by Diesel Generators and Solar Power System.

Q:     How about the challenges of Transmission Line from National Grid and before situation of electricity distribution in Kawnglanghpu?

A:      Kawnglanghpu is located in focal area of Maykha and Achankha rivers. It is a hill town. To arrive Kawnglanghpu, it needs to travel (200) miles motor way through Myitkyina. Kawnglanghpu is very far away from National Grid so transmission line cost is very expensive. Before, the town was electrified by 18.75 kW generator. Nowadays, MOEE transported 3 Nos of 10 kW Generator to Kawnglanghpu in order to distribute electricity across the town.

Q:     How about the performance of MOEE to be electrified in Kawnglanghpu?

A:      During the State President's trip to Kachin State on January, 2018, President instructed to distribute electricity in Kawnglanghpu. Regarding to this instruction, MOEE transported 3 Nos of 10 kW Generator to Kawnglanghpu. For more electricity supply, the construction of new transmission line was completed and opening ceremony of electricity distribution for the whole Kawnglanghpu was held 5th March, 2018 and responsible persons from this town cut the ribbon to open this ceremony. Before, Kawnglanghpu is electrified (4) hrs in a day. Now, it is electrified (5) hrs in a day.

Q:     Why electricity needs to develop in Kawnglanghpu?

A:      Electricity is artificial energy. People of Kawnglanghpu need to use electricity for the development of social, economic, education and health sector. Nowadays, socio-economic life will be developed as for being used more electricity in Kawnglanghpu.

Q:     How about the future plan on the transmission line to unelectrified area?

A:      To be electrified in far-flung parts of a state or territory is very difficult. In this region, MOEE manages to develop electricity by diesel generators. Diesel generators are so expensive that MOEE tries to make hydropower and solar power system. Nowadays, MOEE cooperates with Department of Rural Development in order to electrified rural areas.


Post under by : Ministry Office