The Republic of the union of myanmar

Ministry Of Electricity And Energy

Breaking News :

News about press conference on the outcome of drilling appraisal well Shweyitun 2 in offshore block A-6

25 September 2018

 A press conference on the outcome of drilling appraisal well Shweyitun 2 in offshore block A-6 was held at Ministry of Electricity and Energy, Yadanar Hall, Office No. (27), MOEE, on 25th September, 2018 in the afternoon (13:00) hr.

          In this meeting, Union Minister U Win Khaing for Ministry of Electricity and Energy, Deputy Minister Dr. Tun Naing, U Tin Maung Oo, Permanent Secretary, Chairmen, Director Generals, Managing Directors from Corporations/Departments/Enterprises, officials from MPRL E & P Pte., Ltd, Woodside Energy Pte., Ltd (Myanmar) and Total E &P Pte., Ltd, that are shareholders and Medias from local and foreign were presented.

          First, a video on appraisal well Shweyitun 2 was shown, followed by Myanma Oil & Gas Enterprise (MOGE) Managing Director U Myo Myint Oo reading a press release on discovery of natural gas.

          Next, status of work at offshore block A-6 was explained by MOGE director (offshore officials from MPRL E &P Pte., Ltd, Woodside Energy Pte., Ltd (Myanmar),  that are shareholders of PSC Operator and Total E &P Pte., Ltd. Union Minister provided further explanations. Questions raised by local and foreign media were then answered by the Union Minister and officials.

          Offshore oil and gas exploration works were conducted in offshore block A-6 that is situated western Myanmar after a PSC (Production Share contract) was signed between  MOGE and MPRL E &P Pte., Ltd on 18th January 2007 and  started offshore gas exploration . And then Australia-based Woodside Energy (Myanmar) Pte., and France-based Total E&P Myanmar Co., Ltd jointed with it. Drilling of appraisal well Shweyitun 2 block A-6 was started on 20th July and reached the target depth of 4850 meter. It tested commercially natural gas in a sand bar 40 meters thick. Now a Drill Stem Test (DST) was successfully performed.

          Offshore block A-6 was jointly explored by Myanmar nationals, led by MPRL E &P Pte., Ltd Australia-based Woodside Energy (Myanmar) Pte., Ltd and France -based Total E&P Myanmar Co., Ltd with an investment ratio of 20%,40% and 40% respectively.

          Now as appraisal well/ exploration Shweyitun 2 was tested, gas exploration work will be continued by the shareholders in offshore block A-6

 to implement  a major natural gas production project commercially .

Post under by : Ministry Office