The Republic of the union of myanmar

Ministry Of Electricity And Energy

Breaking News :

JICA' s Training for Myanmar Electricity development Sector by cooperation between Japan and Myanmar

Project's News

Title                    - training held in Myanmar for" electricity transmission and distribution

                           The training were held in Myanmar on March,2017(one  month) and June to August 2017( 3- months). It includes attending training for the

                           following headings and case study.

                         (1)      Plan and design for distribution, the construction work of distribution , operation and maintenance of distribution, transmission and

                                   distribution substation.

Training Title      -  Electricity transmission and distribution training    

Period                  From 13th March  to 8th April  , 2017 and  From 5th June to 25th August 2017

Attending list      - 27 Engineers of candidates from Department of Power Planning.

                        - Electricity Supply Enterprise.

                       - Department of Power Transmission and System Control.

                       - Yangon Electricity Supply Corporation.

                       - Mandalay Electricity Supply Corporation.

Particular         -  Plan and design for distribution, rules of management for distribution line and facility, etc…

                      -  construction work of distribution, safety for distribution, predicted  risks , the works called "5 S".

                      -  Operation and maintenance of distribution, Automatic system of distribution, preventing for distribution system, grounding, etc…

                      -  transmission(investigation of transmission line and insulating design)

                      -  distribution substation(calculating fault and relay setting etc..

                      -  financial analysis (Analysis of project financial) 

                      -  holding workshops together with Japan companies

           Candidates from Ministry of Electricity and Energy had studied Japanese technical knowledge about power transmission and distribution system and got more understand about reduction of electricity losses, line fault and safety etc..  Besides, Candidates got knowledge about structure design of concert tower, overhead conductor design , quality and effect of Japan technology from workshop.

Post under by : Ministry Office