The Republic of the union of myanmar

Ministry Of Electricity And Energy

Breaking News :

Seminar held in Japan for the development of Myanmar's Electricity Sector by Cooperation between Myanmar and Japan.

Project's News No.(4)


The Seminar  held in Japan for relative managers of MOEE .It was held in Japan on May 2017.

The main purposes of this seminar are as follows;

  • to get knowledge and technical know-how about Substations and distribution system in Japan through attending trainings and site visits .
  • to get knowledge about training system by studying construction company and training school of Chubu Electric Power (CEPCO).
  • to get knowledge about Japan products for reduction of electricity losses that can be appear more reliable for distribution Lines.

The program of training is as follows;

Title               -      Seminar No.(1) for electricity transmission and distribution  managers relative to this project.

Period            -    22nd May, 2017 to 26th May 2017(one Week)

Attending list    -   10 Officers who are manager Level from Department of  Electric Power Planning , Department of   Electric    Power Transmission and

                           System Control, Electricity Supply Enterprise, Yangon Electricity Supply Corporation , Mandalay Electricity Supply Corporation

Particular         -   About Electric Power Enterprise of Japan, CEPO and the work of substation and power distribution .

                     -    Seminar introduced to technology of Japan manufactures.

                      -    Visit to of historical recorded museum and CEPO 's Training School (Transmission , substation and distribution training

                    -     Visit to CEPO's Dispatching Center in Nagoya .

                    -    Visit to TOENEC'S Education and Training Center.

The participants for this seminar get knowledgeabout Japan's training system and electrification work as line fault and electricity losses in Japan. Besides, they also get the information about Japan's products of Japan's manufacture.


Post under by : Ministry Office