Light Scheme
23 July 2018
Electricity Supply Enterprise (ESE) under Ministry of Electricity & Energy has distributed to other State and Regions except Yangon & Mandalay Regions Totally (2.32) millions among (7.972) million households are electrified at present and the rest is(5.652) millions. MOEE has been planning to supply electricity fastly to the rest households. It will need to do meter installation priority for un-electrified places which arrive Power System and un-electrified places carrying out to get electricity by regional program.
2. Aim
At Towns and villages where have already arrived power system and already installed 400 V line and 11/0.4 kV Transformers, ESE will fit meters within one day by One Stop Service (OSS) system so that to use electricity fast.
3(A)Draft Plan
For quarters/villages, although the places where have already arrived electricity and installed 11/0.4kV distribution lines and 11/0.4 kV transformers by Union’s budget or Region /State’s budget or public fund, OSS team will pick up the households list which want to install meter, make planning schedule to install meter , form groups to do one stop service, inform field plan that will be carried out by meter installation team to local authorities and do field work according to this plan.
3(B)Detailed Plan
One Stop Service (OSS) team will carry as follows;
(1) Picking up Household list where want to install meter
Ask Region and State electric engineer office to present household list want to install meter where have already installed 11/0.4kV distribution lines and 11/0.4 kV transformers.
(2) Making Planning schedule to install meter in States/Regions
According to quarter/ village list, OSS team will make meter installation schedule and carry out in theRegion/State. In doing work , they have to carry out as per priority list.
(3) Organizing OSS team
One Stop Service (OSS) team will be formed in every Region and State with the following members.
(a) One representative from ESE head office,
(b) One representative from State/Region electric engineering office,
(c) One representative from respective district electric enginee- ring office and
(d) The Staffs from respective township and town electric engineer office.
(4) Installing meter within one day by OSS team
OSS team has to inform meter installation schedule written by respective Region / State electric engineer offices to local authority in advance. OSS team must negotiate for the specific place where will do OSS work with quarter and village administrative office. In stalling meters, OSS team will perform together with financial staffs, Line men, meter clerks, license contractors including township engineer and town engineer. OSS team must do meter installation within one day after receiving infrastructure fee for meter when the customer has been checked necessary documents.
(e) In doing so, the team will install meter in advance until in house wiring work have not been done. If the customer wants to do in house wiring work while installing meter, license contractor involved with OSS team will do these works.
The facts to be inspected in installation are as follows;
(d) When OSS Group will arrive the respective quarters/ villages, they would give pamphlet and show vinyl poster for knowledge of harmless from danger of electricity. Moreover, Township Engineer/ Township Manager would give for knowledge of electricity, talk the facts to do /not to do and show with power point presentation.
(4) Pre information to Public; the followings data shall inform to respective quarters/ villages before (2) days, to perform preparation before OSS Group would arrive-
(a) Date and time that OSS Group would arrive
(b) Works that OSS Group will perform.
(c) To prepare document that OSS Group to inspect
(Requirement such as NRC card, list of household member. etc.)
(d) Amount charge for meter
(e) Agenda for declamation / Agemda will give education Lecture
(5) The function of OSS Group will be closely supervised by Distric Engineer and responsible person from Township Engineer will implement step by step.They will use telephone or hand phone for communication and vehicles from Region/ State Electric Engineer.
(6) After formation of OSS group, they will install domestic used meters that are bought by ESE at respective Region/ State where is existing power system, transmission line and substation. So public can rapidly comsume electricity and government get amount charge for meter. As OSS group do like that, there will be advantages without malpractice, defalcation and delaying.
Therefore,making light Scheme to install meter in States/Regions is a great benefit.