The Republic of the union of myanmar

Ministry Of Electricity And Energy

Breaking News :

Deputy Minister Dr. Tun Naing Inspects Gas Fired Power Plant (Alone)

10 November 2018

            On 10 November in the morning, Deputy Minister Dr. Tun Naing, accompanied by Pyithu Hluttaw representative U Ye Lwin, Daw Yin Yin Myint, Yangon Region Hluttaw representative for No.(1) and Daw Nwe Win, Yangon Region Hluttaw representative for No.(2) inspected Gas Fired Power Plant in Alone Township, Yangon Region.

            The head of Gas Fired Power Plant (Alone) presented the conditions of power generation and then Deputy Minister gave comments and provided instructions for responsibilities.

            Next, Deputy Minister discussed about the necessities on the performance of new power plant construction reported by the official concerned from TTCL Public Company Limited. During 28 months after making a power purchase agreement, this project is being taken to generate 388 MW by respective parties.

            After that, the head of Alone Primary Substation presented the situation of distributing electricity to 19 Townships and Dr. Tun Naing discussed about the needs of works conducted.

          Then, Dr. Tun Naing answered queries raised by Hluttaw representatives on the project of Gas Fired Power Plant (Alone) using Liquified Natural Gas (LPG) and inspected the land area where Power Plant will be set up.

Post under by : Ministry Office